Mexico Birding Expeditions

Mexico Birding Expeditions

Welcome birders

Mexico has a megadiverse avifauna that includes many endemic elements, as well as rich sets of species ranging farther north or farther south in the Americas. Mexico occupies the 11th in the World with 1,129 bird species, this is about 10.5% of the species of the world. And from those, about 112 species are considered endemic to the country. In Mexico, 170,0000 km2 are considered Natural Protected Areas. This includes 34 Biospheres Preserves, 64 National Parks, and +50 protected areas with some other level of  protection. 

All that combined makes this country a perfect destination for birding purposes. The main regions for birding in Mexico include the most diverse sites in species, such as Chiapas in south Mexico, with lots of tropical species shared with Central America. But also, other regions offer great birding where many people are focused on getting the most numbers of Mexico endemics. 

Northwest Mexico through Oaxaca along the Pacific slope, offers the most variety of endemics. In addition, many other remote or isolated locations offer endemics for dedicated birders, most of all the best birding destinations in Mexico, most of the areas for finding endemics, and most of the best places to get higher numbers of bird species, are covered by us. 

We bird every corner of the country, all can be arranged, if not covered by a tour, it can also be an extension, or even creating a customized tour for all your needs.

Tufted Jay

Mazatlan-Durango hwy

Horned Guan

Chiapas, México.

Maroon-fronted Parrot

Monterrey, México 

American Flamingo 

Yucatan Peninsula

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